Zouk on friday with quite alot of people, initially was planning over to dbo but shit la. underage ~ . . _|_ lol. 20yr on other days except thursday. Bitch right. . nvm ~ anyway. I realised I don't enjoy clubbing THAT much. . compared to like last time I thought I loved. . is like, wow. . I really can't stand myself being so close with people I do not know, Strangers---- like. . everybody is literally "mixing" "their own smell" with everybody & if that person smells good not so bad la. but for those who don't. . . Really is _|_ and I can't can't deny that guys are also cheap or REALLY cheap. eeeeeeekkkkk~

Saturday over to.. bring my ahma to doc , then to town with Baby. . brought heels for me , wooo~ and his urbanmale . .

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